Biblio Entry Summary for Anchoviella lepidentostole
การอ้างอิง Barreto, T.M.R.R., K.M.F. Freire, J.J.C. Reis-Júnior, L.C. Rosa, A. Carvalho-Filho and M.M. Rotundo, 2018, Fish species caught by shrimp trawlers off the coast of Sergipe, in north-eastern Brazil, and their length-weight relations.. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 48(3):277-283.
อ้างอิง 118626 Barreto, T.M.R.R., K.M.F. Freire, J.J.C. Reis-Júnior, L.C. Rosa, A. Carvalho-Filho and M.M. Rotundo, 2018
หน้า 279;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Anchoviella lepidentostole
ข้อคิดเห็น max length;
การแพร่กระจาย Sergipe, Brazil
Quote 16.4 cm TL;