Biblio Entry Summary for Farlowella gianetii
Citation Ballen, G.A., M.N. L. Pastana and L.A.W. Peixoto, 2016, A new species of Farlowella (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) of the F. nattereri species-group from the rio Xingu basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with comments on Farlowella jauruensis, a poorly-known species from the upper rio Paraguai basin.. Neotropical Ichthyology 14(3):e160046.
ссылка 128466 Ballen, G.A., M.N. L. Pastana and L.A.W. Peixoto, 2016
Page e160046[2]
Named Used as Valid Farlowella gianetii
Местонахождение Brazil, Mato Grosso, Campinápolis, rio Couto de Magalhães, rio Xingu basin, MZUSP 95564.
распространение South America: Brazil (Rio Xingu basin, Mato Grosso).
Quote max size: 121.0 mm SL (paratype)
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