Biblio Entry Summary for Caristius fasciatus
Citación Kukuev, E.I., N.V. Parin and I.A. Trunov, 2013, Materials for the revision of the family Caristiidae (Perciformes): 3. Manefishes (genus Caristius) from moderate warm waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans with a description of three new species from the southeast Atlantic (C. barsukovi sp. n., C. litvinovi sp. n., C. walvisensis sp. n.).. J. Ichthyol. 53(8):541-561.
Referencia 95096 Kukuev, E.I., N.V. Parin and I.A. Trunov, 2013
Página 547;fig.4-6
Named Used as Valid Caristius groenlandicus
Comentario spawnng;
Localidad Davis Strait, western Greenland.
Distribución North Atlantic (external periphery of subtropical waters; 30°-35° N) with drift to higher latitudes up to 60° N (coasts of Iceland and Greenland). frequently caught in Irminger Sea and above the North Atlantic Ridge between 45°-60° N.
Quote Judging from catches of mature females and juveniles, spawning occurs on the periphery of subtropical waters (in the Sargasso Sea, in the zone of the Gulf Stream and off the Azores).
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