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Definition of Term

life cycle
(English) The generalized history of a species from birth to death. More specific, the movement of members of a population as eggs and larvae from the spawning ground to the nursery area, as juveniles to the feeding grounds, and as adults to the spawning area. Individuals which fail to close this cycle (vagrants) do not contribute to the gene pool. (See also: gene pool, population, species)
cycle de vie
(French) Histoire générale d'une espèce de sa naissance à sa mort. Plus spécifiquement, mouvement des individus d'une population: oeufs et larves du lieu de ponte à la nursery, juvéniles vers les aires d'alimentation, adultes vers les frayères. Individus qui ne complètent pas ce cycle (des vagabonds) ne contribue pas au pool génétique. (See also: gene pool, population, species)
ciclo de vida
(Portuguese) História biológica duma espécie desde o nascimento até à sua morte. (See also: gene pool, population, species)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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