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Definition of Term

(English) Muscle segments, separated from their neighbor by connective tissues; most easily seen in larval fishes, as in the leptocephali of eels where the myomere counts are of great importance in identifying specimens, since their number corresponds to the number of vertebrae in the adults. (See also: meristic, vertebral counts, identification)
(French) Segments musculaires, séparés de leurs voisins par du tissu conjonctif ; très aisément visibles chez les larves de poissons, comme les leptocéphales des anguilles où le comptage des myomeres est d'une grande importance dans l’identification des spécimens. (See also: meristic, vertebral counts, identification)
(Portuguese) Segmentos musculares, separados por tecido conjuntivo. (See also: meristic, vertebral counts, identification)

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