System Glossary
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Definition of Term

(English) The more anterior bone forming the upper jaw. In the higher fishes it extends backward and bears all of the teeth of the jaw. Protrusive part of the upper jaw. Structures on or involving the premaxilla. (See also: jaws, maxillary)
(French) Os antérieur qui forme la mâchoire supérieure. Il s'étend en arrière et porte toutes les dents de la mâchoire chez les poissons les plus évolués. Partie protractile de la mâchoire supérieure. (See also: jaws, maxillary)
(Portuguese) O osso mais anterior que forma a mandíbula superior. Nos peixes superiores estende-se para trás e contém os dentes. (See also: jaws, maxillary)

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