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Definition of Term

supraoccipital process
(English) A median dorsal wedge of bone extending backward from the rear margin of the skull found just under the skin in some fishes. (See also: skull, occipital, head)
apophyse supraoccipitale
(French) Cale dorsale médiane d'os qui s'étend vers le postérieur de la marge arrière du crâne et qui se trouve sous la peau de quelques poissons. (See also: skull, occipital, head)
processo supraoccipital
(Portuguese) Crista médio dorsal do crâneo, que se projecta para trás e que se vê por baixo da pele do crânio dos peixes. (See also: skull, occipital, head)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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