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Definition of Term

undifferentiated coastline
(English) Generally straight shore area, lacking any significant indentations or extensions; may be slightly irregular and contain occasional minor extensions and minor indentations, other than bays and peninsulas. (See also: shore area, peninsula coastline, indented)
ligne de côte indifférenciée
(French) Généralement côte droite, sans renfoncement ni avancée ; peut être légèrement irrégulière et présenter des renfoncement ou avancée mineures, autres que des baies ou des péninsules. (See also: shore area, peninsula coastline, indented)
linha de costa indeferenciada
(Portuguese) Geralmente linha de costa direita, sem quaisquer recortes, que não sejam baías nem penínsulas. (See also: shore area, peninsula coastline, indented)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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