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Subfamily: Procatopodinae

(See list of species below)

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78 species (see list below)

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Photo by Musschoot, T.

Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Photo by Musschoot, T.
Aapticheilichthys websteri

Photo by Greco, F.M.

Max. Length 3 cm TL

Photo by Greco, F.M.
Congopanchax brichardi
[Brichard's lampeye]

Photo by Hellner, S

Max. Length 2.3 cm TL

Photo by Hellner, S
Congopanchax myersi
[Hummingbird lampeye]

Photo by Schliewen, U.

Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Photo by Schliewen, U.
Hylopanchax leki

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 2.1 cm SL

Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Hylopanchax moke

Photo by Chirio, L.

Max. Length 2.3 cm SL

Photo by Chirio, L.
Hylopanchax multisquamatus

Photo by Schliewen, L.

Max. Length 3 cm SL

Photo by Schliewen, L.
Hylopanchax ndeko

Photo by Sonnenberg, R.

Max. Length 2.6 cm SL

Photo by Sonnenberg, R.
Hylopanchax paucisquamatus

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 4 cm SL

Photo by RMCA
Hylopanchax silvestris
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Hylopanchax stictopleuron
[Blue lampeye]

Photo by Chirio, L.

Max. Length 2.3 cm SL

Photo by Chirio, L.
Hylopanchax thysi

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by RMCA
Hypsopanchax catenatus
[Chain lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Hypsopanchax jobaerti
No picture found
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Hypsopanchax jubbi
[Southern deepbody]

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by RMCA
Hypsopanchax platysternus
[Zaire lampeye]

Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.

Max. Length 3.0 cm SL

Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.
Hypsopanchax stiassnyae

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by RMCA
Hypsopanchax zebra
[Zebra lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 8 cm TL

Laciris pelagica
No picture found
Max. Length 3.8 cm TL

Lacustricola atripinna

Photo by Grimm, M.

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Grimm, M.
Lacustricola bukobanus
[Bukoba lampeye]

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 3.3 cm TL

Photo by Seegers, L.
Lacustricola centralis
[Cental east african lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 2.4 cm SL

Lacustricola chobensis

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Photo by JJPhoto
Lacustricola hutereaui
[Meshscaled topminnow]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Lacustricola jeanneli
[Omo lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Lacustricola kassenjiensis
[Kasenye lampeye]

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Mertens, P.
Lacustricola katangae
[Striped topminnow]
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Lacustricola kongoranensis
[Kongoro lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Lacustricola lacustris
[Kibiti Lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Lacustricola lualabaensis
[Lualaba lampeye]

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Mertens, P.
Lacustricola macrurus
[Big tailed lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Lacustricola maculatus
[Spotted lampeye]

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 3.9 cm TL

Photo by Seegers, L.
Lacustricola matthesi
[Saisi lampeye]

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Mertens, P.
Lacustricola mediolateralis

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Seegers, L.
Lacustricola moeruensis
[Moero lampeye]

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by Mertens, P.
Lacustricola myaposae
[Natal topminnow]

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Mertens, P.
Lacustricola nigrolateralis
No picture found
Max. Length 3.0 cm SL

Lacustricola nitida
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Lacustricola omoculatus
[Ruaha lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 1.9 cm SL

Lacustricola petnehazyi

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Lacustricola pumilus
[Tanganyika lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 2.1 cm SL

Lacustricola pygmaeus
No picture found
Max. Length 3 cm TL

Lacustricola usanguensis
[Usangu lampeye]

Photo by Grimm, M.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by Grimm, M.
Lacustricola vitschumbaensis
[Bitschumbi lampeye]

Photo by Melandri, G.

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by Melandri, G.
Lamprichthys tanganicanus
[Tanganyika killifish]

Photo by Grimm, M.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Photo by Grimm, M.
Micropanchax antinorii
[Black lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Micropanchax bracheti
No picture found
Max. Length 3 cm TL

Micropanchax camerunensis
[Cameroon lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Micropanchax ehrichi

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Photo by Seegers, L.
Micropanchax fuelleborni
[Lake Rukwa lampeye]

Photo by Gratwicke, B.

Max. Length 8.5 cm TL

Photo by Gratwicke, B.
Micropanchax johnstoni
[Johnston's topminnow]
No picture found
Max. Length 2.5 cm TL

Micropanchax keilhacki
No picture found
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Micropanchax kingii

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by JJPhoto
Micropanchax loati
[Nile killifish]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Micropanchax pfaffi
[Pfaff's lampeye]

Photo by KMFRI

Max. Length 3 cm TL

Photo by KMFRI
Micropanchax rudolfianus
[Lake Rudolf lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Plataplochilus cabindae
No picture found
Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Plataplochilus chalcopyrus
[Flame lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.1 cm SL

Plataplochilus eliasi

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by RMCA
Plataplochilus loemensis
[Loeme lampeye]

Photo by Hellner, S

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Hellner, S
Plataplochilus miltotaenia
[Red striped lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Plataplochilus mimus

Photo by Noren, M.

Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Noren, M.
Plataplochilus ngaensis
[Nga lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Plataplochilus pulcher

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Plataplochilus terveri
[Terver's lampeye]

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Platypanchax modestus
[Ruwenzori lampeye]

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by RMCA
Poropanchax luxophthalmus

Photo by Broad, C.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Photo by Broad, C.
Poropanchax normani
[Norman's lampeye]

Photo by Van der Zee et al., 2019

Max. Length 3.0 cm SL

Photo by Van der Zee et al., 2019
Poropanchax pepo
No picture found
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Poropanchax rancureli
[Rancurel's lampeye]

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Poropanchax scheeli
[Scheel's lampeye]
No picture found
West Africa.
Max. Length 2.4 cm SL

Poropanchax stigmatopygus

Photo by Schmaus, G.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Photo by Schmaus, G.
Procatopus aberrans
[Bluegreen lampeye]

Photo by Calypso Photolibrary

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by Calypso Photolibrary
Procatopus nototaenia
[Large finned lampeye]

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Procatopus similis
[Variable lampeye]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Rhexipanchax kabae

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Rhexipanchax lamberti
[Lambert's lampeye]

Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.
Rhexipanchax nimbaensis
[Mt. Nimba lampeye]

Photo by Mody, K.

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Mody, K.
Rhexipanchax schiotzi
[Schiøtz' lampeye]
78 Species of Family Procatopodidae
(African lampeyes)
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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Aapticheilichthys websteri Africa 3.1 SL
Congopanchax brichardi Brichard's lampeye Africa 3 TL
Congopanchax myersi Hummingbird lampeye Africa 2.3 TL
Hylopanchax leki Africa 2.9 SL
Hylopanchax moke Africa 2.1 SL
Hylopanchax multisquamatus Africa 2.3 SL
Hylopanchax ndeko Africa 3 SL
Hylopanchax paucisquamatus Africa 2.6 SL
Hylopanchax silvestris Africa 4 SL
Hylopanchax stictopleuron Blue lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Hylopanchax thysi Africa 2.3 SL
Hypsopanchax catenatus Chain lampeye Africa 6 TL
Hypsopanchax jobaerti Africa 4.5 TL
Hypsopanchax jubbi Southern deepbody Africa 5 TL
Hypsopanchax platysternus Zaire lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Hypsopanchax stiassnyae Africa 3.0 SL
Hypsopanchax zebra Zebra lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Laciris pelagica Africa 8 TL
Lacustricola atripinna Africa 3.8 TL
Lacustricola bukobanus Bukoba lampeye Africa 5 TL
Lacustricola centralis Cental east african lampeye Africa 3.3 TL
Lacustricola chobensis Africa 2.4 SL
Lacustricola hutereaui Meshscaled topminnow Africa 3.5 TL
Lacustricola jeanneli Omo lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Lacustricola kassenjiensis Kasenye lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Lacustricola katangae Striped topminnow Africa 5 TL
Lacustricola kongoranensis Kongoro lampeye Africa 4 TL
Lacustricola lacustris Kibiti Lampeye Africa 4 TL
Lacustricola lualabaensis Lualaba lampeye Africa 4 TL
Lacustricola macrurus Big tailed lampeye Africa 5 TL
Lacustricola maculatus Spotted lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Lacustricola matthesi Saisi lampeye Africa 3.9 TL
Lacustricola mediolateralis Africa 5 TL
Lacustricola moeruensis Moero lampeye Africa 4 TL
Lacustricola myaposae Natal topminnow Africa 5.5 TL
Lacustricola nigrolateralis Africa 4 TL
Lacustricola nitida Africa 3.0 SL
Lacustricola omoculatus Ruaha lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Lacustricola petnehazyi Africa 1.9 SL
Lacustricola pumilus Tanganyika lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Lacustricola pygmaeus Africa 2.1 SL
Lacustricola usanguensis Usangu lampeye Africa 3 TL
Lacustricola vitschumbaensis Bitschumbi lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Lamprichthys tanganicanus Tanganyika killifish Africa 15 SL
Micropanchax antinorii Black lampeye Africa 4.5 TL
Micropanchax bracheti Africa 4 TL
Micropanchax camerunensis Cameroon lampeye Africa 3 TL
Micropanchax ehrichi Africa 4 TL
Micropanchax fuelleborni Lake Rukwa lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Micropanchax johnstoni Johnston's topminnow Africa 8.5 TL
Micropanchax keilhacki Africa 2.5 TL
Micropanchax kingii Africa 4 TL
Micropanchax loati Nile killifish Africa 4 TL
Micropanchax pfaffi Pfaff's lampeye Africa 3.5 TL
Micropanchax rudolfianus Lake Rudolf lampeye Africa 3 TL
Plataplochilus cabindae Africa 5 TL
Plataplochilus chalcopyrus Flame lampeye Africa 3.1 SL
Plataplochilus eliasi Africa 4.1 SL
Plataplochilus loemensis Loeme lampeye Africa 6 TL
Plataplochilus miltotaenia Red striped lampeye Africa 5 TL
Plataplochilus mimus Africa 2.9 SL
Plataplochilus ngaensis Nga lampeye Africa 5 TL
Plataplochilus pulcher Africa 3.5 SL
Plataplochilus terveri Terver's lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Platypanchax modestus Ruwenzori lampeye Africa 6 TL
Poropanchax luxophthalmus Africa 4 TL
Poropanchax normani Norman's lampeye Africa 4.5 TL
Poropanchax pepo Africa 3.0 SL
Poropanchax rancureli Rancurel's lampeye Africa 5 TL
Poropanchax scheeli Scheel's lampeye Africa 4 TL
Poropanchax stigmatopygus West Africa. 2.4 SL
Procatopus aberrans Bluegreen lampeye Africa 5.5 TL
Procatopus nototaenia Large finned lampeye Africa 6 TL
Procatopus similis Variable lampeye Africa 6 TL
Rhexipanchax kabae Africa 4.5 TL
Rhexipanchax lamberti Lambert's lampeye Africa 4.5 TL
Rhexipanchax nimbaensis Mt. Nimba lampeye Africa 4.5 TL
Rhexipanchax schiotzi Schiøtz' lampeye Africa 4 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by mortiz, 28/05/2012