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Family: Exocoetidae Flyingfishes

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35 species
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Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 22 cm SL
Cheilopogon abei Parin, 1996

Photo by Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Cheilopogon abei
[Abe's flyingfish]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL
Cheilopogon agoo (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Cheilopogon agoo
[Japanese flyingfish]

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 38 cm SL
Cheilopogon altipennis (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cheilopogon altipennis
[Smallhead flyingfish]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 21 cm SL
Cheilopogon arcticeps (Günther, 1866)

Photo by Photo by Shao, K.T.
Cheilopogon arcticeps
[White-finned flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 33 cm SL
Cheilopogon atrisignis (Jenkins, 1903)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cheilopogon atrisignis
[Glider flyingfish]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Cheilopogon cyanopterus (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Cheilopogon cyanopterus
[Margined flyingfish]

Photo by Suzuki, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Cheilopogon doederleinii (Steindachner, 1887)

Photo by Photo by Suzuki, T.
Cheilopogon doederleinii

Photo by Osmany, H.B.

Widespread in tropical zo
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Cheilopogon furcatus (Mitchill, 1815)

Photo by Photo by Osmany, H.B.
Cheilopogon furcatus
[Spotfin flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Worldwide in the tropics,
Max. Length 41 cm TL
Cheilopogon hubbsi (Parin, 1961)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cheilopogon hubbsi
[Blotchwing flyingfish]

Photo by American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Cheilopogon japonicus (Franz, 1910)

Photo by Photo by American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Cheilopogon japonicus

Photo by FAO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Cheilopogon katoptron (Bleeker, 1865)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cheilopogon katoptron
[Indonesian flyingfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-Pacific to Eastern P
Max. Length 38 cm SL
Cheilopogon spilonotopterus (Bleeker, 1865)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Cheilopogon spilonotopterus
[Stained flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Indian Ocean and
Max. Length 25 cm SL
Cheilopogon spilopterus (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cheilopogon spilopterus
[Manyspotted flyingfish]

Photo by University of Western Australia (UWA)

Max. Length 30 cm SL
Cheilopogon suttoni (Whitley & Colefax, 1938)

Photo by Photo by University of Western Australia (UWA)
Cheilopogon suttoni
[Sutton's flyingfish]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Cheilopogon unicolor (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Cheilopogon unicolor
[Limpid-wing flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 24 cm SL
Cypselurus angusticeps Nichols & Breder, 1935

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cypselurus angusticeps
[Narrowhead flyingfish]

Photo by Hansasuta, C.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Cypselurus hexazona (Bleeker, 1853)

Photo by Photo by Hansasuta, C.
Cypselurus hexazona
[Darkbar flyingfish]

Photo by Suzuki, T.

Northwest Pacific

Cypselurus hiraii Abe, 1953

Photo by Photo by Suzuki, T.
Cypselurus hiraii
No picture found

Max. Length 30 cm TL

Cypselurus longibarbus

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 21 cm SL
Cypselurus naresii (Günther, 1889)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cypselurus naresii
[Pharao flyingfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 27.7 cm TL
Cypselurus oligolepis (Bleeker, 1865)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Cypselurus oligolepis
[Largescale flyingfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Cypselurus opisthopus (Bleeker, 1865)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Cypselurus opisthopus
[Black-finned flyingfish]

Photo by Hansasuta, C.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm TL
Cypselurus poecilopterus (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by Hansasuta, C.
Cypselurus poecilopterus
[Yellowing flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 26 cm SL
Cypselurus simus (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Cypselurus simus
[Short-nosed flyingfish]

Photo by Suzuki, T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm TL
Cypselurus starksi Abe, 1953

Photo by Photo by Suzuki, T.
Cypselurus starksi

Photo by FAO

Indo-Pacific and Eastern
Max. Length 20 cm SL
Exocoetus monocirrhus Richardson, 1846

Photo by Photo by FAO
Exocoetus monocirrhus
[Barbel flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Widespread in tropical an
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Exocoetus volitans Linnaeus, 1758

Photo by Photo by FAO
Exocoetus volitans
[Tropical two-wing flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 23 cm SL
Hirundichthys albimaculatus (Fowler, 1934)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Hirundichthys albimaculatus
[Whitespot flyingfish]

Photo by Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Hirundichthys oxycephalus (Bleeker, 1853)

Photo by Photo by Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO
Hirundichthys oxycephalus
[Bony flyingfish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Subtropical waters of all
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Hirundichthys rondeletii
[Black wing flyingfish]

Photo by Villalba, D.O.

Max. Length 25.1 cm SL
Hirundichthys speculiger (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by Villalba, D.O.
Hirundichthys speculiger
[Mirrorwing flyingfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 20 cm TL
Parexocoetus brachypterus (Richardson, 1846)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Parexocoetus brachypterus
[Sailfin flyingfish]

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.

Max. Length 11 cm SL
Parexocoetus mento (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.
Parexocoetus mento
[African sailfin flyingfish]

Photo by SFSA

Max. Length 19 cm SL
Prognichthys brevipinnis (Valenciennes, 1847)

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Prognichthys brevipinnis
[Shortfin flyingfish]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 19 cm SL
Prognichthys sealei Abe, 1955

Photo by Photo by FAO
Prognichthys sealei
[Sailor flyingfish]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Cheilopogon abei Abe's flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 22 SL 1996
Cheilopogon agoo Japanese flyingfish Northwest Pacific 35 SL 1846
Cheilopogon altipennis Smallhead flyingfish Western Indian Ocean 38 SL 1847
Cheilopogon arcticeps White-finned flyingfish Western Pacific 21 SL 1866
Cheilopogon atrisignis Glider flyingfish Indo-Pacific 33 SL 1903
Cheilopogon cyanopterus Margined flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 40 TL 1847
Cheilopogon doederleinii Western Pacific 35 TL 1887
Cheilopogon furcatus Spotfin flyingfish Widespread in tropical zo 35 TL 1815
Cheilopogon hubbsi Blotchwing flyingfish Worldwide in the tropics, 41 TL 1961
Cheilopogon japonicus Northwest Pacific 50 TL 1910
Cheilopogon katoptron Indonesian flyingfish Western Pacific 18 SL 1865
Cheilopogon spilonotopterus Stained flyingfish Indo-Pacific to Eastern P 38 SL 1865
Cheilopogon spilopterus Manyspotted flyingfish Eastern Indian Ocean and 25 SL 1847
Cheilopogon suttoni Sutton's flyingfish Indo-Pacific 30 SL 1938
Cheilopogon unicolor Limpid-wing flyingfish Pacific Ocean 38 TL 1847
Cypselurus angusticeps Narrowhead flyingfish Indo-Pacific 24 SL 1935
Cypselurus hexazona Darkbar flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 18 SL 1853
Cypselurus hiraii Northwest Pacific 1953
Cypselurus longibarbus Western Pacific. 30 TL 1961
Cypselurus naresii Pharao flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 21 SL 1889
Cypselurus oligolepis Largescale flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 27.7 TL 1865
Cypselurus opisthopus Black-finned flyingfish Western Pacific 18 SL 1865
Cypselurus poecilopterus Yellowing flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 27 TL 1847
Cypselurus simus Short-nosed flyingfish Eastern Central Pacific 26 SL 1847
Cypselurus starksi Northwest Pacific 27 TL 1953
Exocoetus monocirrhus Barbel flyingfish Indo-Pacific and Eastern 20 SL 1846
Exocoetus volitans Tropical two-wing flyingfish Widespread in tropical an 30 TL 1758
Hirundichthys albimaculatus Whitespot flyingfish Pacific Ocean 23 SL 1934
Hirundichthys oxycephalus Bony flyingfish Indo-West Pacific 18 SL 1853
Hirundichthys rondeletii Black wing flyingfish Subtropical waters of all 30 TL 1847
Hirundichthys speculiger Mirrorwing flyingfish Circumglobal 25.1 SL 1847
Parexocoetus brachypterus Sailfin flyingfish Indo-Pacific 20 TL 1846
Parexocoetus mento African sailfin flyingfish Indo-Pacific 11 SL 1847
Prognichthys brevipinnis Shortfin flyingfish Indo-Pacific 19 SL 1847
Prognichthys sealei Sailor flyingfish Indo-Pacific 19 SL 1955

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013