Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Ovalentaria/misc
Family: Pseudochromidae Dottybacks
Subfamily: Pseudochrominae
Genus: Pseudochromis

(See list of species below)

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40 species
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Photo by Gill, A.C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.6 cm SL
Pseudochromis alticaudex Gill, 2004

Photo by Photo by Gill, A.C.
Pseudochromis alticaudex
[Spotbreast dottyback]

Photo by Malaer, P.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 6.0 cm SL
Pseudochromis ammeri Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012

Photo by Photo by Malaer, P.
Pseudochromis ammeri
[Raja Ampat Dottyback]

Photo by Winterbottom, R.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Pseudochromis andamanensis Lubbock, 1980

Photo by Photo by Winterbottom, R.
Pseudochromis andamanensis
[Andaman dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 6.8 cm TL
Pseudochromis aurulentus Gill & Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis aurulentus
[Yellowlip dottyback]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Pseudochromis bitaeniatus (Fowler, 1931)

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Pseudochromis bitaeniatus
[Double-striped dottyback]

Photo by Jinah, H.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 3.9 cm SL
Pseudochromis coccinicauda (Tickell, 1888)

Photo by Photo by Jinah, H.
Pseudochromis coccinicauda
[Yellow-breasted dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Pseudochromis colei Herre, 1933

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis colei
[False Bandit Dottyback]

Photo by Gill & Randall, 1988

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 2.2 cm TL
Pseudochromis cometes Gill & Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Gill & Randall, 1988
Pseudochromis cometes
[Commet dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.2 cm TL
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia Bleeker, 1857

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia
[Surge dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 6.8 cm SL
Pseudochromis eichleri Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis eichleri
[Eichler’s Dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Pseudochromis elongatus Lubbock, 1980

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis elongatus
[Elongate dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 8.2 cm SL
Pseudochromis erdmanni Gill & Allen, 2011

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis erdmanni
[Erdmann’s Dottyback]

Photo by Winterbottom, R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Pseudochromis flammicauda Lubbock & Goldman, 1976

Photo by Photo by Winterbottom, R.
Pseudochromis flammicauda
[Orangetail dottyback]

Photo by Erdmann, M.V.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 6.8 cm TL
Pseudochromis flavopunctatus Gill & Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Erdmann, M.V.
Pseudochromis flavopunctatus
[Yellow-spotted dottyback]

Photo by Gill, A.C.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 5.3 cm TL
Pseudochromis fowleri Herre, 1934

Photo by Photo by Gill, A.C.
Pseudochromis fowleri
[Philippines dottyback]

Photo by Williams, J.T.

Indo-Pacific. Philippines
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Pseudochromis fuligifinis Gill & Williams, 2011

Photo by Photo by Williams, J.T.
Pseudochromis fuligifinis
[Soot-tail Dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 10 cm TL
Pseudochromis fuscus Müller & Troschel, 1849

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis fuscus
[Brown dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.3 cm SL
Pseudochromis jace Allen, Gill & Erdmann, 2008

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis jace
[Zippered dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Pseudochromis jamesi Schultz, 1943

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis jamesi
[Spot-tailed dottyback]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Pseudochromis kolythrus

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 6.3 cm TL
Pseudochromis litus Gill & Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis litus
[Plain dottyback]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.2 cm TL

Pseudochromis lugubris
[Mournful dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.7 cm SL
Pseudochromis luteus Aoyagi, 1943

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis luteus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Pseudochromis marshallensis Schultz, 1953

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis marshallensis
[Marshall Is. dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm SL
Pseudochromis matahari Gill, Erdmann & Allen, 2009

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis matahari
[Sunburst Dottyback]

Photo by Winterbottom, R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL
Pseudochromis melanurus Gill, 2004

Photo by Photo by Winterbottom, R.
Pseudochromis melanurus
[Blacktail dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.9 cm SL
Pseudochromis mooii Gill, 2004

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis mooii
[Mooi's dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm SL
Pseudochromis moorei Fowler, 1931

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis moorei
[Jaguar dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 5.0 cm SL
Pseudochromis oligochrysus Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis oligochrysus
[Gold-ring Dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Pseudochromis perspicillatus Günther, 1862

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis perspicillatus
[Southeast Asian blackstripe dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 8.3 cm TL
Pseudochromis pictus Gill & Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis pictus
[Painted dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Pseudochromis pylei Randall & McCosker, 1989

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis pylei
[Pyle's dottyback]

Photo by CSIRO

Max. Length 9.5 cm TL
Pseudochromis quinquedentatus McCulloch, 1926

Photo by Photo by CSIRO
Pseudochromis quinquedentatus
[Spiny dottyback]

Photo by Winterbottom, R.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Pseudochromis ransonneti Steindachner, 1870

Photo by Photo by Winterbottom, R.
Pseudochromis ransonneti
[Karimunjawa dottyback]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Pseudochromis rutilus Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pseudochromis rutilus
[Red-gold Dottyback]

Photo by Fenner, R.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Pseudochromis steenei Gill & Randall, 1992

Photo by Photo by Fenner, R.
Pseudochromis steenei
[Lyretail dottyback]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.7 cm SL

Pseudochromis stellatus
[Greenhead dottyback]

Photo by Tanaka, H.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Pseudochromis striatus Gill, Shao & Chen, 1995

Photo by Photo by Tanaka, H.
Pseudochromis striatus
[Striated dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 7.4 cm TL
Pseudochromis tapeinosoma Bleeker, 1853

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis tapeinosoma
[Blackmargin dottyback]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 8 cm TL
Pseudochromis wilsoni (Whitley, 1929)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pseudochromis wilsoni
[Yellowfin dottyback]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Pseudochromis alticaudex Spotbreast dottyback Western Pacific 4.6 SL 2004
Pseudochromis ammeri Raja Ampat Dottyback Pacific Ocean 6.0 SL 2012
Pseudochromis andamanensis Andaman dottyback Eastern Indian Ocean 7 TL 1980
Pseudochromis aurulentus Yellowlip dottyback Western Central Pacific. 6.8 TL 1998
Pseudochromis bitaeniatus Double-striped dottyback Indo-West Pacific 12 TL 1931
Pseudochromis coccinicauda Yellow-breasted dottyback Western Indian Ocean 3.9 SL 1888
Pseudochromis colei False Bandit Dottyback Western Pacific 4.1 SL 1933
Pseudochromis cometes Commet dottyback Western Central Pacific. 2.2 TL 1998
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia Surge dottyback Western Pacific 6.2 TL 1857
Pseudochromis eichleri Eichler’s Dottyback Pacific Ocean 6.8 SL 2012
Pseudochromis elongatus Elongate dottyback Western Pacific 6.5 SL 1980
Pseudochromis erdmanni Erdmann’s Dottyback Pacific Ocean 8.2 SL 2011
Pseudochromis flammicauda Orangetail dottyback Western Pacific 5.5 TL 1976
Pseudochromis flavopunctatus Yellow-spotted dottyback Western Central Pacific. 6.8 TL 1998
Pseudochromis fowleri Philippines dottyback Western Central Pacific. 5.3 TL 1934
Pseudochromis fuligifinis Soot-tail Dottyback Indo-Pacific. Philippines 3.2 SL 2011
Pseudochromis fuscus Brown dottyback Indo-Pacific 10 TL 1849
Pseudochromis jace Zippered dottyback Western Pacific 6.3 SL 2008
Pseudochromis jamesi Spot-tailed dottyback Pacific Ocean 5.5 TL 1943
Pseudochromis kolythrus Western Pacific 3.8 SL 1993
Pseudochromis litus Plain dottyback Western Central Pacific. 6.3 TL 1998
Pseudochromis lugubris Mournful dottyback Western Pacific 8.2 TL 2004
Pseudochromis luteus Western Pacific 4.7 SL 1943
Pseudochromis marshallensis Marshall Is. dottyback Western Pacific 8 TL 1953
Pseudochromis matahari Sunburst Dottyback Western Pacific 4.5 SL 2009
Pseudochromis melanurus Blacktail dottyback Western Pacific 4.0 SL 2004
Pseudochromis mooii Mooi's dottyback Western Pacific 4.9 SL 2004
Pseudochromis moorei Jaguar dottyback Western Central Pacific 12 SL 1931
Pseudochromis oligochrysus Gold-ring Dottyback Pacific Ocean 5.0 SL 2012
Pseudochromis perspicillatus Southeast Asian blackstripe dottyback Western Pacific Ocean 12 TL 1862
Pseudochromis pictus Painted dottyback Western Central Pacific. 8.3 TL 1998
Pseudochromis pylei Pyle's dottyback Western Central Pacific 8 TL 1989
Pseudochromis quinquedentatus Spiny dottyback Indo-Pacific 9.5 TL 1926
Pseudochromis ransonneti Karimunjawa dottyback Western Pacific. 7 TL 1870
Pseudochromis rutilus Red-gold Dottyback Indian Ocean 5.5 SL 2012
Pseudochromis steenei Lyretail dottyback Western Central Pacific 12 TL 1992
Pseudochromis stellatus Greenhead dottyback Western Pacific 4.7 SL 2017
Pseudochromis striatus Striated dottyback Western Pacific 3.2 SL 1995
Pseudochromis tapeinosoma Blackmargin dottyback Indo-West Pacific 7.4 TL 1853
Pseudochromis wilsoni Yellowfin dottyback Indo-Pacific 8 TL 1929

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013