Name used | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information | ||
Acanthurus chronixis | 7.26 | 144.44 | CAS 152105 | Reef flat between Elangalap & Falarik Islets; 0.4 mi. off sand/rock shore; water clear, 6' deep; encrusting algae. Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Acanthurus chronixis | 1989 | -13.37 | 145.65 | I28927001 | Portal: OBIS. Source: AM | ||
Acanthurus chronixis | -14.60 | 145.70 | I.28927-001 | SW corner of Yonge Reef Portal: GBIF. Source: AM Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Acanthurus chronixis Randall, 1960 | 1.04 | 154.75 | FB 2739880 | Teawataman Ship Pass, s. side of Kapingamarangi Atoll, 1°02'09"N, 154°45'04"E, 1 mi. from shore, Caroline Is., to 20 ft. Portal: FB. Source: FB | |||
Acanthurus chronixis | 1.04 | 154.75 | CAS 152104 | Teawateman Ship Pass on s. side of atoll; 1 mi. off gravel/rock shore; low to high tide; water to 20' deep. Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Acanthurus chronixis | 1980 | 6.90 | 158.10 | 225078.5083626 | Ponape: (Northwest Side) NE of Tanak Id. Portal: GBIF. Source: USNM Data from GBIF data index - original values. |