Oxygen Consumption Studies for Squalus acanthias
n = 23
Relative oxygen consumption graph (loading may take 2-3 mins.)
Oxygen consumption Weight Temperature Salinity Activity Applied stress
(mg/kg/h) at 20°C (g) (°C)
21 63.6 1812.00 9.0 35.0 standard none specified
22 66.7 1615.00 9.0 35.0 standard none specified
25 48.2 8970.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
32 87.4 1854.00 10.0 28.0 standard none specified
39 74.6 7850.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
46 89.5 2700.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
46 89.7 4600.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
47 91.3 1550.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
47 91.6 7040.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
49 94.2 5760.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
49 132.7 2060.00 10.0 28.0 routine none specified
51 136.2 1854.00 10.0 28.0 routine none specified
51 97.7 3300.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
51 98.7 1240.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
51 99.0 640.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
54 103.5 1870.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
54 104.8 940.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
55 106.1 1750.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
59 140.7 3500.00 11.0 35.0 standard none specified
60 116.5 1050.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
63 122.0 1120.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
88 238.4 1854.00 10.0 28.0 active none specified
145 280.6 100.00 13.0 35.0 standard none specified
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cfm script by eagbayani, 01.03.00 ,  php script by rolavides, 3/3/2008 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:59 AM 1/9/09