References Used for Cirrhinus inornatus
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
12693 Rainboth, W.J., 1996. Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. FAO, Rome, 265 p. 1996 Cirrhinus inornatus -->
33488 Roberts, T.R., 1997. Systematic revision of the tropical Asian labeon cyprinid fish genus Cirrhinus, with descriptions of new species and biological observations on C. lobatus. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 45:171-203. 1997 Cirrhinus inornatus 187;fig.5
51055 Hanel, L. and J. Novák, 2002. České názvy zivočichů V. Ryby a ryboviti obratlovci (Pisces) 3., maloústí (Gonorhynchiformes) - máloostní (Cypriniformes). Národní muzeum (zoologické oddělení), Praha. 2002 Cirrhinus inornatus -->
86905 IUCN, 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 11 May 2011. 2010 Gymnostomus inornatus -->
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Cirrhinus inornatus -->
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